Kajin M̧ajeļ

Jen Kōnono Kōn Uno ko

Jen Kōnono Kōn Uno ko

Jān Sheldon Riklon, M.D. Read in English: Prescription Management Tōlarōki uno ko nimom emaroñ in pen, eḷaptata ñe kwoj bōk jejjo ñan jorāā...


RMI Consulate Arkansas Outreach Team Visits Marshallese Communities in Oklahoma

RMI Consulate Arkansas Outreach Team Visits Marshallese Communities in Oklahoma

On Wednesday, December 18, the RMI Consulate Arkansas Outreach Team concluded its 6-day outreach efforts to Marshallese communities in Oklahoma, incl...

Island Life (FSM)

FSM Compact III: Citizens Don’t Know, Don’t Care 

FSM Compact III: Citizens Don’t Know, Don’t Care 

The Federated States of Micronesia and the U.S. just came off the re-negotiating table for Compact III for a while now. A new agreement has been set,...


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About Us/Kōn Kōm

Chikin Meļeļe ej juon nuujpepa onlain eo ejeje ilo ruo kajin, Kajin M̧ajeļ im Kajin In̄liij. Kein kajuon ilo kwaļo̧k nuuj jān ri M̧ajeļ ro ilo Amedka. Ekar jinoe ilo 2015 im kwaļo̧k onlain ilo 2020.  Kepaak Melanie Carbine ilo chikinmelelenews@gmail.com.

Chikin Meļeļe is a bilingual digital newspaper written in both the Marshallese and English languages. It is the first Marshallese publication here in the United States of America, founded in 2015 and published online in 2020. Contact Melanie Carbine at chikinmelelenews@gmail.com.