Arkansas – No longer a Marshallese Utopia

ICE Officials attempt to draw Marshallese man out of his home.

Since the mid 1980s and early 1990s, Arkansas was a utopia to many Marshallese who dreamed
of starting new lives in America. Early Marshallese who moved to Arkansas convinced their relatives back in the islands to relocate given the lavish opportunities that awaited them in the new city: weekly pay, affordable homes, movie theaters, free schools, the list goes on. The transition from living in shared homes to having your own room was enough reason to migrate to the US.

The recent ICE raids in Arkansas has cast a shade on these stories and paints it in a different light: one of fear and uncertainty. The past couple of days, Marshallese living in Springdale have experienced negative encounters with armed police officers at their homes. Some of the encounters have been shared on social media and have since garnered lots of viewers — most expressing concern and conveying safe wishes those experiencing the ICE visits.

The massive number of ICE visits following Trump’s numerous executive orders for mass deportation. Initially, Trump officials claimed the deportation process targets illegal and undocumented migrants. Recent development proves officials are also after legal permanent residents with serious criminal history. Even American Indians have been detained by ICE officials in cities like Phoenix and Omaha. An official
familiar with the matter said even those who had spent time behind bars and are out on parole are vulnerable and deportable.

A Marshallese family living in Springdale shared their encounter with officers dressed in police attire yesterday. The uniformed men demanded to see IDs of individuals in the home and were aggressively luring the male of the house to step outside for further conversation. The family held their ground and contacted Marshallese Advocate Albious Latior for assistance. Albios was on the phone as the police demanded the male of the house to step outside. The man demanded to see names and badge numbers from the cops, who were standing on his doorstep. He asked to see a warrant but the documentation that the cops presented did not have the signatory of a judge. So, the family remained indoors and ceased
cooperation with the officers. In the video, the official says “we’ll get one” (a warrant) and takes a picture for evidence to identify the man.

The man later said he feared for his safety and that he was not going to work that day. He also said 10 other Marshallese told him they will be missing work out of fear of police presence. Later reports from Marshallese in the Springdale area said authorities are now visiting work sites and stores. The advice from Albious and his network of American lawyers is for the Marshallese to remain at home.

Springdale continues to participate in SCAAP, the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. Last year, Washington County law enforcement provided 187 booking records (some duplicate bookings) of “resident aliens” which included their names, release date, and home and work addresses.  Washington County received about $120K in federal funds for the jail costs.  This information is then clearly used by DHS and ICE to target individuals for deportation.  Of 187 records, 116 are here from the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia under a Compact of Free Association. 

Update: We have confirmed that officers have been visiting work sites, stores, and homes.  During the pandemic, when borders were closed, immigration could not proceed with deportations and released some of these people. However, they communicated with the Consulate that these people could still be subject to deportation. Current information from ICE indicate that a number of Micronesians and Marshallese have been detained over the past year.