Articles by Melanie Carbine

Newsletter Special #2

Join our mailing list to receive a PDF copy of special print newsletters or download a copy. Enaaj peḷḷọk jikin alooj in ilo raan ko Taije 10am-12pm im 4pm-7pm, Bolaide 4-7pm, Jadede 10am-4pm, im Jabet 1-4pm. Epeḷḷọk wōt mae…

Community Transmission of COVID-19 in Yap

With the discovery of two cases of community transmission in Yap on August 16, 2022, the Governor temporarily suspended work for all government non-essential workers and closed all schools for August 17-22 to prepare emergency…

Ikkure AR Way

Eṃṃan ippān baaṃle eo epād nabōj ilo park ko im ikkure. Ien ippān doon im ṃōṇōṇō! Kwomaron̄ lo elōn̄ḷọk park ilo: