House Speaker Kedi Gives Keynote for MayDay Events
Lujeran, āinwōt an taktō e jemed wōj ilo jukjukin in pād in ba, juon meletlet naan eo aorōk. Ej ba: Beran ilo tōre ko repen. Kajoor n̄an debļo̧k ṃakūtkūt ko. Im ilo Kajin Pālle ne,…
Lujeran, āinwōt an taktō e jemed wōj ilo jukjukin in pād in ba, juon meletlet naan eo aorōk. Ej ba: Beran ilo tōre ko repen. Kajoor n̄an debļo̧k ṃakūtkūt ko. Im ilo Kajin Pālle ne,…
A family-owned, family-run organization, KuauTee is inspired by the creative talents of our resident artists and tribal design originating from the Marshall, Kiribati, and Tuvalu Islands. KuauTee’s TEEam even represents the Island of Jamaica in the…
Springdale, just north of Fayetteville, has about 85,000 people and is home to the our largest Marshallese community. On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, an EF-3 tornado touched down at 4:04 a.m. near the NWA Mall…
English: Iloan 8 allōn̄ ko remootļo̧k, eaar jinoe būļāān (plan) n̄an kōļapļo̧k kāām̧pōj eo an Jones Center ilo downtown Springdale. Rej jerbal ippān architect ro — kumi eo ej kōm̧m̧ane būļāān im pija in…
On the afternoon of Friday November 5, the Arkansas Coalition of Marshallese hosted another COVID-19 Vaccine clinic at the Center for Nonprofits in the JTL shop in Springdale, Arkansas. Among the Arkansas Coalition of Marshallese…
Kajin M̧ajeļ: Over the last 8 months, The Jones Center has been planning to expand the Jones Center Campus in downtown Springdale. They are working with Denver-based Landscape Architecture firm, Civitas Inc. In Phase…
People in the Marshallese community in NWA gathered on the basketball courts outside the Jones Center last Saturday, September 26, 2021. Everyone celebrated the end of Ṃanit Week together. With a generous sponsorship from T-Mobile,…
A week after Stroll the Atoll, a smaller group of people gathered in Shiloh Square. This time they were adorned not with flowers and shells but rather with gloves and garbage bags in hand. They…
MEI (Marshallese Educational Initiative) recently hosted a series of events, Our Shared Nuclear Legacy, June 29-July 1 including a youth day, commemoration and equity panels. With a critical discussion of nuclear testing, climate change, the…
Many other pressing issues were raised in the JuneTown Hall meeting, including the impact on mental health, increasing drug use, and the difficult process of applying for Medicaid. We were glad to hear from representatives…