Ri Arkansas

Town Hall Minutes – Part 1

Consul General Eldon Alik convened a town hall meeting last June to share updates on projects in the community.  He also introduced the new Vice Consul Gerrick Kelen and newly organized non-profit AenEmmaan.  The group’s…

Spring Break Events at The Jones Center

The Jones Center has announced several free activities open to the public for Spring Break (March 22-26). Free movies will be shown each weekday at 2 p.m. in The Jones Center Auditorium (face masks required). The ice…

Gornelius Batlok

Ej kōnaanik kom̧ kōn jako in an baba ilo kar raan in February 15, 2021. Iien kwelok in adwōj enaaaj kōm̧m̧an ilo Jadede, February 27 raan ilo naaj 7 awa jota. Jikin kwelok in enaaj…

COVID-19 Impact on Arkansas School Districts

Kajin M̧ajeļ: https://chikinmelele.com/wawein-an-kar-covid-19-jelet-jikuul-ko-ilo-arkansas/ As schools around the country work to return students to full-time in-person learning, schools in Arkansas faced the challenge head on last fall.  Abby Zimmardi with the ArkansasCovid project took a closer…

Wāwein an kar COVID-19 jelet jikuuļ ko ilo Arkansas

English: https://www.chikinmelele.com/covid-19-impact-on-school-districts/ ArkansasCovid ej juon project eo an jikuuļ in journalism im Strategic Media eo an University eo an Arkansas ium̧win tōl eo an Assistant Professor in Journalism, Rob Well, PhD.  Kwomaron̄ lale elōn̄ļo̧k data…

Eļmān Bōbrae COVID ilo Būrōkrāām in Jones Center

Source: Joan McQuaid, The Jones Center Translated by: Chloe Mateariki, The Jones Center English: https://chikinmelele.com/covid-precautions-for-safe-program-options-at-the-jones-center/ Jones Center eo ear kilōk ilo Maaj 17 raan. Jet iaan douluul ko jej jerbal ippāer Center for Nonprofits ilo…