Mayor eo an Majuro Ladie Jack kobaḷọk Council member ro raar najidik taujin jima armej- ekoba ajri im rūtto jiṃor ilo raan in Friday im Saturday eo ilo Christmas eo. Jebta ko raar bōk kuṇaer ilo al im eb rej jebta eo an Tiete Labuk ilo Rita im barāinwōt jebta eo an Lobat jan Laura. Elōñḷọk jan taujin jima armej raar itok ñan alooji program kein ilo jiboñ im jota jiṃor. Mayor Ladie Jack eaar ba bwe kōtōpar eo aer bwe ren najidik aolep ajri ro ilo tōre eo. Eaar barāinwōt ba bwe elōñ kajojo iiō in ajri im rūtto jiṃor raar pād ilo iien in. Ilo kōḷmānḷọkjen kake, ej juon meinin ṃōṇōṇō eḷap bwe eruj ṃōñā im maat, im rọọl ñan kabijuknen ko aer. Mayor in eaar barāinwōt ba bwe Majuro in, elōñ jet iaan baaṃle kein eḷap aer aikuj jibañ jet iien im ej juon menin utiej bōro eḷap ilo ad kar maroñ kōṃṃan ṃōñā ñan aolep ro ra kobatok ñan alooji Christmas program kein. “Kōmar ṃōñā raij, bao im salad,” juon ian rein jinen im jemān ajri rein eaar ba ilo an ṃōṇōṇō. Ilo an diwōjḷọk eaar barāinwōt ba bwe raar bar leḷọk ñan ajri rein nejin ziplock bag in tōñal (candies). Ikkure kein jiṃor raar kanooj kōbalbal im kalimomo im eṃṃanḷọk jān iiō in Christmas eo eaar bōk ilo jet ṃōn jar ko an United Church of Christ ilo Majuro.

Majuro Christmas Program Feeds Hundreds
Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack and Council Members fed over a thousand people — children and adults alike, during a two-day Christmas program on Friday and Saturday. The program included live entertainment from two Jebta performances from Tiete Labuk in Rita and Lobat Jebta from Laura. The program attracted hundreds in the first hour of the event and hundreds more as the event unfolded through the evening. “Our goal is to provide as much meals to every child as possible,” Mayor Ladie Jack said. Children of all ages and adults were seen at both events. “The fact that they went home with a full belly gives us reason to sleep better at night,” Mayor Ladie added. “This is Majuro, we know some families don’t have the luxury of complete meals in any given day and we are glad we had the opportunity to provide meals to the children and their families.” “We ate rice, chicken and salad,” a happy parent said. “We even got ziplock bags of candies too,” said the happy parent as he walked off with his two children. Both performances had great audience reviews from their previous performances during Christmas Day at the various United Church of Christ churches across Majuro.