From the Archives: September 23, 2015

This New Year we look back at our beginnings. The first issue of Chikin Melele was distributed in print in September 2015. Many of the articles were written by Chikin Melele’s Patrick Boaz. Click here to read the first issue and look back on the many many pictures of ad likatu im lakatu, kab team in ikkure ko.

With feature articles:

ACOM: Juon jikin kone, juon pā eṃṃan kabjere!

Kweḷọk eo an Tyson Food Inc. ippān aolepān ritōl to an ri Majeḷ

Ekatak ko an Winthrop Rockerfeller Foundation renaaj jibañ armej in Majeḷ

AEJEMJEM: Māākjiin eo kein kajuon ilo Kajin Majeḷ

Terry Mote: Waanjoñok eṃṃan ñan jukjuk in bed eo ilo Enid!

Rijikuuḷ eo ekajoor tata!

Jaluit Liberation Day Celebration (elōn̄ pija!)

Jebro – Nejin Jelakaiie

William J. Swain im Kōrā eo pāleen, Elizabeth Rosmer Swain. William eo ej rijeje ñan peij in an Jitdam Kapeel.

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