Yes! You hear that right, “KaMoRaLe!”
That, dear reader, is the sound of the latest and newest proposed greeting in the young nation of Federated States of Micronesia. And it’s coming to you straight as a presidential proclamation from the nation’s highest office on November 3, 2024.
“I have never heard that word before,” said an outspoken Chuukese John Patis, “what is that!”
“Kamorale,” declared a namesake newsletter, “is officially a national greeting of the (FSM).”
“What does it mean?” Patis added.
It simply means, “Greetings!” Or, in the Chuukese tongue it would be like saying, “Ran allim!”
All of the four greetings in the nation—KAselehieh in Pohnpei, MOgethin in Yap, RAn annim in Chuuk and LEnwo in Kosrae—are put together by taking the first two letters of each state’s greetings, and blending them into this new word—KaMoRaLe.
The islands are grouped into four states; which are Yap, Chuuk (called Truk until January 1990), Pohnpei (known as “Ponape” until November 1984), and Kosrae (formerly Kusaie).
Patis also said he has come across that on the Internet, but did not care too much to read further. So, he dismissed it from his mind.
“In a historic move and cultural pride,” stated a new special edition of KAMORALE newsletter, “‘Kamorale’ — a newly coined greeting that reflects the four states of the FSM — has been embraced across the nation. The word was introduced by Honorable Jessy J. Salalu, former governor of Yap state, and draws inspiration from unique greetings of each FSM states.”
Its debut was at the first Micronesian EXPO—an event showcasing each of the four states’ cultural dances, products, and their traditional ways for a full week—in Pohnpei in 2022, according to the newsletter.
“So,” said Patis, “how can I embrace something I do not understand?”
Although it may have been steadily spreading across the nation’s capital city—even maybe the capitol island itself, Pohnpei; and within the first Expo in 2022—it really has not reached some of the islands in the nation. And it certainly hasn’t reached Guam and Hawaii.
“I don’t think it is even known by all members of the FSM community on Guam and Hawaii,” said Alexander Nukuto, a Chuukese fisherman. “Many of the nation’s citizens, even abroad, don’t even know that there is such a word.”
In the Hawaiian Islands, Nukuto likes to go fishing all over the island of Oahu. He has not heard of any mention of “Kamorale.”
“Should I?” he asked. “What does it even mean?”
When told that the reason for such call was to just check-see. Because the word was, that Kamorale is supposed to have been embraced by everyone from across the nation of FSM. And that they’d have known and accepted the greeting, even the ones abroad.
He said no, but he likes it. It is good that FSM is looking for an idea to unify her people.
“Now,” he said, “I have a new greeting to use this New Year’s Eve.”
He said he’s going to go around to the Chuukese and Pohnpeian stores on Oahu and greet everyone with it. But, wait!
“They wouldn’t understand it at first. So, wouldn’t they say I am just cursing them out?”
In the mainland U.S., naturally, the three closest states to FSM, are the westernmost: Washington, Oregon and California. And so Chikin Melele went to some by way of Messenger to listen to what they had to say:
In La Grande, Ore., Youme Robert said she has not heard it either. Like Patis, she is clueless as to the origin, and the meaning of the word.
“What does it mean?” she said.
Down in California, Diano Raigumal of Yap is also clueless. He has not heard of it, nor has he understood it also.
The word “Kamorale” is suppose to help bring the nation together. It’s replete with encouragement to all citizens to embrace it. And it also comes with its own KAMORALE newsletter to flaunt.
In a world where there is so much divisiveness, for instance—the United States, South Korea, and Russia to name a few—FSM is choosing to march to different tunes within its borders (a combined area of 271 sq mi [702 mileskm²]). It signals to the world of their solidarity behind the newly formed amalgamation of their collective greetings.
“It has been gradually adopted in speeches by both the national and state leaders, reflecting a growing sense of collective identity and solidarity within the FSM.”
It has perhaps started its job of uniting the citizens and leaders of young nation at the Micro EXPO 2022, according to the newsletter. Now, it is only natural that the whole world knows about it.
The office of the FSM President, Wesly Simina, spearheaded the initiative. And the Kamorale newsletter continued, the “administration has been instrumental in promoting the word Kamorale, incorporating it as a key element in fostering unity and reinforcing the connection among the citizens of the FSM. By emphasizing inclusivity, shared vision and national pride, the administration has helped solidify the word’s place in the national consciousness.
“As KAMORALE continues to gain momentum, it promises to become a symbol of unity, cultural pride and national togetherness in the years to come.”
It is so encouraging to hear that a nation seeks unity these days. In light of the turmoil in the U.S. in social media, this is a breath of fresh air.
And fresh to read.