MEI raar kōnono ilo UN ikijeen kōmelmel in baam

Rein jen uwaan team eo an MEI, ilo kar Taije eo raar pād ilo juon kweilok an UN ikijeen Jorāān ko nae kōmelmel in baam ko raar waļok ñan laļ kein kajojo, ekoba rein jen kajojo ipeļakin laļin ñan aer kwaļok bwebwenato ko im juōn iaļan kile mejeļan jorāān kein bwe ren loloorjaki. Benetick Maddison Executive Director eo an MEI, eaar kenono ilo juōn panel ak kweilok, im ilo panel in ear komman in H.E. Teburoro Ttio im ekoba rikweilok rein jen

Japan – Keitaa Takagaki im Asuka Oka

Christmas Island – Ereti Tekabwaia

Solomon Islands – Maverick Sedaa im researcher eo Dr. Becky Alexis Martin.

Team in an MEI raar bareinwōt ekkeijelōk ilo juōn Nuclear Survivors Forum eo im ear ejaak jen rein mōttad jen #peaceboat, im jen Nuclear Truth Project- Kathleen, Paaam, Bedi im Dimity, #icanaustrallia , PANG, #youth4pnw , im RTT.

The MEI team spent Thursday at the UN meeting with nuclear affected community members from around the world to share stories and pathways to recognition and nuclear justice. MEI’s ED Benetick Maddison spoke on a panel chaired by H.E. Teburoro Tito and included representatives from Japan – Keita Takagaki and Asuka Oka, Christmas Island – Ereti Tekabwaia, and the Solomon Islands – Maverick Seda, and researcher Dr. Becky Alexis Martin. The team also participated in a Nuclear Survivors Forum hosted by our friends from #peaceboat, the Nuclear Truth Project – Kathleen, Pam, Bedi, and Dimity, #icanaustralia , PANG, #youth4tpnw , and RTT.