Miss Marshall Islands Presents Scholarship Options for Education Week

Miss Marshall Islands, Claret Chong Gum (who had represented Jaluit in the Miss Marshall Islands 2023) is visiting high schools in the RMI throughout Education Week. Claret and her colleagues started the week with a visit to Majuro Cooperative High School and Delap Seventh-day Adventist School to present scholarship requirements and criteria with the ministry of foreign affairs.

The Principal of Majuro Co-op, Amy Ishiguro, was busy working when the sounds of excited screams caught her attention. Several middle school students spotted Miss Marshall Islands and were quick to get pictures with her.

Miss Marshall Islands, continued her schedule by presenting scholarship opportunities to the Junior and Senior classes of Assumption High School. Following this, Miss Marshall Islands, along with Miss Lae, Miss Likiep, Miss Ailinlaplap, and Miss Arno, paid a visit to Rita Elementary School and Majuro Middle School to encourage students to continue their education, to always be brave in any obstacle they face, and to maintain an open mind, emphasizing that the “fear of God is the beginning of all knowledge.”

Miss Ailuk, Miss Ebon, Miss Aur, Miss Jabat, Miss Namo, and Miss Utrik—paid a visit to Laura Elementary School to encourage and discuss the importance of education with the students and share words of advice to the students.