Wāwein kōnono ippān opija ro an ICE

Iuṃwin Jemen’ei eo, ewōr aṃ jiṃwe im maroñ ñan: JAB KŌPEḶḶỌK KŌJEM eo aṃ ñe ewōr opija rej kallalal. JAB UAK JABDEWŌT KAJJITŌK jān opija eo ñe rej kajeoñ kōnaan ippaṃ.  Ewōr aṃ jiṃwe in…

Arkansas – No longer a Marshallese Utopia

Since the mid 1980s and early 1990s, Arkansas was a utopia to many Marshallese who dreamedof starting new lives in America. Early Marshallese who moved to Arkansas convinced their relatives back in the islands to…