Iuṃwin Jemen’ei eo, ewōr aṃ jiṃwe im maroñ ñan:
JAB KŌPEḶḶỌK KŌJEM eo aṃ ñe ewōr opija rej kallalal.
JAB UAK JABDEWŌT KAJJITŌK jān opija eo ñe rej kajeoñ kōnaan ippaṃ. Ewōr aṃ jiṃwe in ikōñ ak jab kōnono.
JAB LIKŪT ELTAN PEIṂ ILO JABDEWŌT PEBA ṃae ien eṃōj aṃ kōnono ippān juon lawyer. Ewōr aṃ jiṃwe in kepaak juon lawyer.
Elaññe kwōj pād inabōj in ṃweo imōṃ, kajjitōk ippān opija eo, mālim in aṃ etal ak eṃakūt jān ijo rej kajittōkin eok ie, elaññe rej ba aet, eṃakūt ilo ineṃṃan.
LEḶỌK JUON CARD ÑAN OPIJA EO. Elaññe kwōj pād iloan ṃweo imōṃ, kwaḷọk kōmeḷeḷe eo ilo wintō eo, ñe ejjab leḷọk iuṃwin kōjem eo.
If approached at work, at the store or outside your home, ask to see the warrant for arrest and check it is validated by the signature of a judge. Ask if you are free to leave and calmly walk away.
Eļan̄n̄e rekar jipadek eok ilo jikin jerbal, ilo m̧ōn wia eo ak nabōj in m̧weeo im̧ōm̧, kajjitōk n̄an lale ewōr ke juon warrant in kalbuuj im etale men eo em̧ool ke kar jaini jān juon judge. Kajjitōk eļan̄n̄e kwoj anemkwoj in etal innām ilok ilo aeņōm̧m̧an.
Immigration officials have to have a valid warrant to enter your home or detain you. They might present a document that looks official but it isn’t a warrant. So, check for the signature. Bystanders have the right to record the actions of the officers and they should share the video with community leaders. Everyone should remain calm.
Rej aikuj kwaḷọk mālim eo an warrant eo ñan maron̄ delōñe ṃweo imōṃ ak bōk kwe. Emaroñ aer peba akō ejab warrant. Kōn menin, kwōn kall e juon ñan bōk jibañ. Bar juon emaroñ jiṃwe im maroñ ñan videoik ṃakutkut ko an opija ro im en jeeri ippān ritel ro ilo jukjukinpād eo. Aolep ren pād ilo aeṇōṃṃan wōt.