Articles by Melanie Carbine

Raan in Jemenei: Constitution Day in the US

Constitution Day commemorates the adoption of the RMI’s constitution 45 years ago, on May 1, 1979. Though still under U.S. administrative control as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the constitution provided…

RMI Taskforce on Deportation Update

Published in the Marshall Islands Journal, Volume 55 Number 21, May 24, 2024 President Heine Announces Deportation Taskforce (March 7, 2024) Washington County Quorum Court Approves Federal Funds Received through the State Criminal Alien Assistance…

Joḷọk jepaake kiiō

KŌJPAROK MOUR ARKANSAS — Be Well Arkansas Joḷọk jepaake kiiō — Quit tobacco today. Kōm maroñ jibañ. — We can help. 833-283-WELL