Articles by Melanie Carbine

Joḷọk jepaake

KŌJPAROK MOUR ARKANSAS — Be Well Arkansas Joḷọk jepaake kiiō — Quit tobacco today. Kōn kein jibañ ijin. — With local resources. 833-283-WELL

Joḷọk jepaake

KŌJPAROK MOUR ARKANSAS — Be Well Arkansas Joḷọk jepaake kiiō — Quit tobacco today. Ejjeḷọk wōnāān ñan kwe. — At no cost to you. 833-283-WELL

UAMS House Call: Vitamin Supplements

Do vitamin supplements work? Many of us are familiar with  vitamin supplements. Grocery  stores, nutritional stores and  pharmacies all carry multivitamins or various mineral  or vitamin supplements.   Vitamins and minerals are crucial  to how our bodies…